- Axios is promise-based, which gives you the ability to take advantage of JavaScript’s async and await for more readable asynchronous code.
- Axios is a library that helps us make http requests to external resources.
- In our React applications we often need to retrieve data from external APIs so it can be displayed in our web pages. Axios uses methods like get() and post() that perform http GET and POST requests for retrieving or creating resources. e.g.:
To install redux give command npm install redux react-redux
Working of Redux
a) If <Component>
want to get data from central data store then it need to subscribe it.
Here component will dispatch an action which will describe the type and payload. b) Below is an example of action class.
Axios is a library that helps us make http requests to external resources.
In our React applications we often need to retrieve data from external APIs so it can be displayed in our web pages.
Axios uses methods like get() and post() that perform http GET and POST requests for retrieving or creating resources.
c) Then we will pass that action to reducer. Eg. const reducer = (state,action) => {}
Reducer will then update central data store and no one else can do it.
Remember: According to convention type: “” should be all in caps. It won’t give any error if we don’t give it in caps (all capital).
d) Now we will fetch store data in <Component />
from reducer by using useSelector in our <Component />
Here reducerName is reducer name given by the user.
e) Changes needs to be done in index.js inside src folder.